Rural Water and Sanitation Information System

SIASAR Global is a joint initiative launched by the governments of Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama that soon expanded to other regions. The strategic purpose of this initiative is to have a basic, updated and comparable information tool on the rural water supply and sanitation services in place in a given country.


Browse the current info about water and sanitation systems in a streamlined, simple platform.

SIASApp es una aplicación para el levantamiento de los cuestionarios de SIASAR de manera ágil y fiable.

How to collaborate

SIASAR is an open, collaborative and transparent project for all sector stakeholders, which has been adapted to allow participation of institutions, national or international agencies, public and private entities, non-governmental organizations or associations, among many other partners.

Many partners cooperate with SIASAR in each country. This collaboration can take place by supporting information gathering in their areas of work, validating information available in the system, rendering support through technical or human resources, facilitating data surveying tours, analyzing information generated by the system or designing plans of action, among many other examples of in-country cooperation.

All information generated by SIASAR is made publicly available and can be freely used but, furthermore, if any country, institution or organization needs to know more about SIASAR and is interested in actively participating in the initiative, the SIASAR lead institution in each country can be contacted by using the following form.

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